Friday, January 2, 2009

Racial Profiling Is Alive and Well

I know the government continues to deny they are involved - at virtually every level - but a story this morning shows just how blatantly active it is!

It seems "some other passengers" became concerned about the conversation of a Muslim family on a flight. The airline, who doesn't deserve the courtesy of not mentioning their name but will get it for now, removed them from the flight AND REFUSED TO REBOOK THEM EVEN THOUGH THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS CLEARED THEM OF ANY WRONG DOING!!!!

Adjoining this story was a headline about several Muslims being removed from flights - what about Christian Right extremists willing to blow up medical clinics; kill doctors, nurses AND PATIENTS of said clinics and boast of it? What about power hungry politicians willing to put the whole nation in danger to fuel their maniacal dreams of grandeur?

And before to castigate me for my blatant prejudice, allow to to tell you that not all that long ago, waiting to board a flight from a small city in New York state, my wife and I witnessed a group of young men singled out for a "thorough search" based on the stated basis of their apparent national origin. Yes, I said we witnessed this, and what's more I heard the TSA agents say it!

The land of the free and the home of the brave is also the home of the phobics and the prejudiced, and we have a long, long way to go to be the nation we should be. My hope is that others will be as outraged as I over this family's plight, and that the collective outrage will get some airlines fined, some TSA agents booted and create an atmosphere in which people can begin to learn about and understand one another.

I've said before, and will again, that all the major world religions have the same basic values, stated according to their own cultural setting, and that the sooner we recognize we ALL have RADICALS and TERRORISTS within our ranks, the SOONER we can begin to build the kind of understanding and concern that will indeed make us the beacon of goodness in world, because we WILL NOT ASSUME GUILT BEFORE IT IS PROVEN.

Enough of the soap box, but please, I beg you, give this serious thought, and be willing to voice yourself when you see it happen. This isn't right, honorable, or American - it's racist, bigoted and wrong!


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