Saturday, November 1, 2008


Two things have led me to write about this word frustration. The first was an experience at work today, when I was being swamped and asked for assistance, only to have the responder act as though I was an idiot who didn't know what I was doing. My primary computer screen was tied up, I was unable to do what needed to be done because I kept having other things intrude, and my frustration grew. I was nearly spitting mad! The result? My helper admitted three times and apologized for having been wrong in the information shared. I think part of my frustration came from past experiences of the same type of behavior, complicated by deprecations about the machinery in the lab. Grow up, pal! This is what we have, and it isn't likely you will talk the corporation into adopting your philosophy! Do your job, allow me to do mine, and let's work for the betterment of the company that employs us!

The second is listening to one particular stripe of citizens in the last few months. Without checking facts, or perhaps because they can't refute the plan and arguments of a truly remarkable man, Republicans seem stuck on shouting personal attacks, offering lies and ignoring the very activity in their own party that they condemn in the Democratic party! I mean, really, the latest is the Barak Obama will be returning a campaign contribution from his aunt - why? Because someone has said she MIGHT be here illegally - has anyone stopped to think this country was founded by illegal immigrants in the sense that we think of it? Did the aboriginal populations ask the Northern Europeans to come here? No! Did they rush them into deportation proceeding to get them gone? No! But here we are with the Statue of Liberty highlighting our desire to be the refuge of the tired, downtrodden teeming masses, the huddled poor, etc. - trying desperately to become isolationist and put the lie to Lady Liberty!

Can you tell there is frustration? What have I done about it? I found a way to bleed off the frustration about work, and I voted early as well as volunteering for the man I think is the best hope for our nation at this time - Senator Barak Obama, whom I sincerely hope will be elected on Tuesday, November 4. I use gaming to bleed off some of the frustration. I allow humor from a fellow I've come to admire for his insight and willingness to voice the other peoples' anger and frustration - Kieth Olbermann, keep up the good work!

So, with election day coming, remember! If you don't vote, don't bitch! And this year we are throwing off the apathy of the last several decades of voting, because one man, Barack Obama, tied into the information-sharing habits of our youth, turned the Internet, texting and grass-roots organizing into a powerful political tool! Cast your vote, for whomever, because it is the right thing to do!


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